please tell me this is satire???

    by stressed_out_potatos


    1. That feels so ai generated, like someone just told chat gpt to find a trendy problem and make an automated tweet claiming it was better with trump

    2. Is this real? If it is, what state is he from? Because anyone who voted for him must be off their rockers.

    3. SuitableConcept5553 on

      This is a parody account. He’s the representative of California’s 54th district. California has 52 districts. 

    4. NerdFromColorado on

      Not only is this claim wrong (there were 7 hurricanes during Trump’s term), but I don’t even think I need to say why it’s stupid.

    5. There was no computer crime when Abraham Lincoln was president, so obviously, he is an expert in preventing it.

    6. Leostar_Regalius on

      trump literally said he wanted to launch nukes at a hurricane that was happening, DURING HIS PRESIDENCY, their brains are starting to melt like his is

    7. One-Faithlessness282 on

      I seem to remember him throwing paper towels to puerto Ricans like basketballs after a hurricane, but maybe my memory is fuzzy.

    8. Not an American but Shits his diapers in chief changed a hurricane path with a sharpie on international television because he lied about its path and didn’t like being corrected. Oh and the hilarious and disturbing fact he wanted to nuke hurricanes, which apart from the fact it would be like a fart in a colander to the power that a hurricane puts out, the heat would have made it 10 times worse as well as you know, pumping radiation into the environment.

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