Putin just wants a fair transaction. According to his #1 fan.

    by EmmaKidwell


    1. Responsible-Room-645 on

      The downside of being a country’s leader in this timeline is you have to meet with the orange blob of pus.

    2. Fair transaction? Russia is stealing land while killing civilians. What’re they going to exchange for that?

    3. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      Putin started it -if he wanted it to stop- all he has to do is to stop attacking.This is a moronic thing to say.Imagine what is going on in Zelinskiey’s mind as he stands there listening to this BS
      from the person who may be the next President.

    4. Ok_Entrepreneur_8509 on

      I wish Trump was capable of reading body language (a skill which requires some modicum of empathy)
      He would understand how much everybody hates him.

    5. Fuck off with ‘fair transaction’. If someone invades your property by force then demands a portion of it to stop invading…that isn’t fair.

    6. I find it interesting he always calls Putin “President Putin” but often refers to Zelenskyy as just “Zelenskyy”. Always kissing Putin ass. I wouldn’t be surprised if he saluted a picture of Putin every morning similar to that North Korean general.

    7. Great way to rename armed invasion. Wonder if he’d call it the same if armed people took over mar a largo and demanded to be legally allowed to keep it.

    8. I think a fair transaction would be Putin spending the rest of his life in solitary confinement and Russia paying to rebuild Ukraine.

    9. This was shameful. And it was cringe.

      Oh, how low has the mighty fallen. Orange, standing literally next to the man whose country was invaded by Putin, still dick riding Putin. And still with a 50-50 chance of becoming the US president.

      The US has fallen low indeed.

      If you are a US citizen, it must’ve been tough to watch that and not cringe.

    10. I’m amazed Zelensky met with him. You know Putin has informers (Like Trump) in Trump’s organization that lets him pinpoint where to try to assassinate him.

    11. Used_Intention6479 on

      War criminals like Putin suddenly discover the concept of “fairness”, when they’re losing.

    12. Savings-Programmer18 on

      National fucking embarrassment. As usual. He’s so far up Putins ass he probably reeks of vodka and borscht

    13. God I am so sorry Big Z had to go talk to the….Melon Felon. I know that had to hurt his soul to try to reason with that twat.

    14. EntertainmentFast497 on

      Why is Trump meeting with leaders from other countries when he isn’t in charge? Just seems a bit weird!

    15. Cool. Lets go steal Trump tower, and negotiate a fair transaction to keep most of it when the police come.

    16. I want a fair transaction, too. Namely, Putin gets out of Ukraine and Zelensky stops killing Russian invaders.

    17. Zelenskyy looks like he’s waiting for his mom to stop talking to her friend at the grocery store.

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