Intensity goes from 1 to 30

    by jonnyrouge


    1. I’ve always wondered how they calibrated these pads to PMS cramps.

      Was it one woman who turned it up until it was about right. Or some other multi sampled method.

    2. When my wife’s water broke with our first born, she had this sort of cheeky grin about the whole thing while feeling contractions.

      We took our time packing up some things and climbing into the car to drive up to the hospital, and along the way she was in a good mood and laughing about it while insisting it wasn’t so bad.

      That all changed in an instant when were on the last road approaching the hospital. I watched her face go from chillin’ like this is all interesting to “SHIT IS REAL RIGHT FFFFNNNN NOW!” and her mood stayed that way until the baby was out… which took 36 whole god damn hours.

    3. Unusual_Document5301 on

      All I know is when my uterus RUPTURED, I was crying in pain! Doctors thought I was overreacting until they cut me open & saw baby’s was in my abdomen!

    4. I don’t understand why not being able to deal with pregnancy makes someone “not as much of a man?” Since when have men had to deal with pain as intense as pregnancy? It takes a woman to handle such trials and tribulations.

    5. I laughed way too hard at this. That last shot of him crying that she didn’t stop had me dyin, poor fellow.

    6. I despise that the TikTok generation calls this a “pregnancy simulator”. This is a TENS Unit and they’ve been around for decades. You put the pads all over. They’re snake oil that people sell for The purported “health benefits” because they do feel like they do something. However, just making your muscles contact with this device doesn’t actually do shit health wise. 

    7. I did this on max level no problem. They’re reacting like this to be funny, almost in a nervous laugh kind of way. They’re giving the reaction they feel is the socially adept one. Really, it shouldn’t be a problem for most guys.

    8. SouldiesButGoodies84 on

      Nope, you’re a fully formed man. Just don’t forget the woman she had to be to give birth to your kid is all.

    9. Technically, he is exactly as much of a man as he thought he was.

      We aren’t designed with pregnancy in mind lol.

    10. Pfff, the contractions aren’t even the bad part. Now imagine having to pass a coconut on top of that cramping, and you’ll get closer to how much giving birth really hurts.

    11. I don’t want to be graphic, but I think I need to be to get my point across:

      I had an episiotomy while having a contraction, without any sort of pain relief, and I couldn’t feel it because of the pain that came from the next contraction.

      To dumb it down for anyone who doesn’t know what that means (which was me until after the experience was over) an episiotomy is a cut made to widen the opening for the baby to be born.

      I couldn’t feel being cut down there because the contraction was that fucking sore.

      Thanks for reading. Apologies to anyone who suddenly wishes they didn’t have eyes.

    12. Oh we had those at a baby shower, me and another guy lasted the longest. We both had acupuncture guys who used similar systems so we were a bit more used to it. I don’t think it’s an accurate representation of birth but any ladies who have tried it please chime in. My wife tried for a bit and said she didn’t think it was at all similar.

    13. The worst pain I’ve ever felt was during childbirth! Of course I’ve never been stabbed or shot or anything like that, but man that was painful. So painful I did it twice!😂

    14. There are no “pregnancy” or “menstrual cramps” simulators, those are electric muscle stimulator and they are meant to be used with a type of gel between you and the pad. Without the gel its excruciating, with the gel, it does what it is advertised to do, contracts muscles in a high frequency and without pain. They give you the “dry” version while they put on some gel and pretend its “no big deal”. Sure, with the gel, it isnt. without it, its close to hell.

    15. No, you are 100% man, you are not much of a woman, tho.
      Woman are strong as fuck when it comes to pain tolerance, it’s absurd.

    16. I think you mean you aren’t a much of a boss ass woman because most men very much react to pain the way you did.

    17. When I see a man with “pregnant” and “girlfriend” in the same sentence I lose all respect for him. Like dude, you were committed enough to put a baby in her but not a ring…. man up.

    18. PowerfulWallaby7964 on

      Bro while he was yelling stop going down she was clicking up and up, that was diabolical but I can’t blame her it was funny af xDD

    19. women are stronger when it comes to pain. and often overlooked. not me tho i’m weak af prob bc i’m low on iron

    20. i just want any first time future mothers to know that this is NOT what pregnancy feels like. this may simulate period cramps or labor for some people, but please be assured that this is not what you will have to endure for the entirety of your pregnancy.

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