how stupid can people be?

    by Stunning_Store6666


    1. Life_of_IvyQuinn on

      You’re talking about tim pool. What do you expect?
      Sanity and logic coming from something like him?!

    2. Born_Acanthaceae2603 on

      He struggles when the Russians aren’t telling him what to spoon feed to his audience.

    3. Fake_William_Shatner on

      Tim Poole is so Gigga-Chad he no fear. Why, he doesn’t even know the meaning of the term “reservations.”

      Everyone had reservations that Tim Poole made a quarter million with podcasts listened to by 5,000 people at best.  Weaker influencers need more than a million subscribers to start touching that kind of money. 

      /s Back to reality. 

      Tim Poole is so stuck in his traitor privilege mindset. He never has reservations. He went from pampered kid to whatever he is now with no life experience other than buying a skate park with Russian money. 

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