Yeah, we’re talking to you, Shannon

    by JennyBeckman


    1. I’m glad we’re talking about this because calling an entertainer/influencer your “aunt, unc, uncle, big bro” is just so parasocial, I cringe.

    2. Damn, do we really need something else to be offended? Just let people use whatever term they want and live your life

    3. InsaneThisGuysTaint on


      Me trying to figure out if I should google procyonid or not…

    4. Embarrassed_Place323 on

      Ohhhh I get it. Coons. I love learning new things!


    5. This is hilarious but I can’t upvote it. If it gets around, Trump’s next tweet is gonna be “Haitian procyonids eating felidae”

    6. As a nigga who gets called unc alot I’ll tell you now it’s just a polite way to say old nigga. I hate being called old nigga politely or rudely…just say yo dawg like they used to 20 years ago lol.

    7. Procyonids is crazy 😂 . Had to look it up, seen the first picture closes the app. Safe to say it’s added to my vocabulary.

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