Brain just there to keep their skull company

    by JennyBeckman


    1. Couldn’t be the unlivable economy engineered for us by billionaire slumlords giving us more stress and less reason to live than ever before.

    2. “I don’t want to believe the conspiracy vaccine rumors, but…”

      Then don’t. Follow me for more obvious ass life pro tips.

    3. Mf see one person who died from a heart attack young and wanna blame the vaccine. Yeah it obviously wasnt the stress from a pandemic, or economy, or just fuckin coke.

    4. Have you ever noticed how every conspiracy theorist is someone who did not graduate college? That’s the real conspiracy

    5. Kids these days are downing energy drinks like water and huffing laughing gas what the fuck do they think is going to happen?

    6. Complex-Professor257 on

      I’m sure the amount of energy drinks and pre-workout people have been pounding has nothing to do with it 🙄

    7. Definitely has nothing to do with the wildly high rates of obesity and hypertension, right? Young doesn’t mean healthy.

    8. TheInnerMindEye on

      U ever hear the conspiracy theory that conspiracy theories are designed and geared towards people with mental disorders?

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