Doesn’t see a reason why we can’t invade Haiti 🤷🏻‍♂️

    by Kingofd0p3


    1. Careless_Ad_2402 on

      Just so you know who this asshole – this is the guy who intentionally got himself caught by the Taliban twice, and cost the British government time and expense to save him from his own stupidity – he did it for internet clout, and he’s found some as a really low grade right-wing grifter – makes appearances with John Doyle and Elijah Schafer.

      He’s a worthless douchebag.

    2. I want to believe this is a grift for some sort of financial gain; no one is actually this ghoulishly loathsome.

    3. The indigenous population isn’t in control of the country. You’d be up against well funded, well armed Arabs.

    4. Forsaken-Jump-7594 on

      >”I’m not sure they’ve invented the boat yet”

      I’m fairly sure Haitians are aware of boats. What with being an island nation.

    5. Let’s be honest. Miles and people like him are why conservatives refuse to support consumer protection organizations (like the EPA in the U.S..). Without their glue-sniffing, lead paint eating, sociopathic constituency, they would have no voter base. And without that base, they would have no money, no power, no voice.

    6. I am pretty sure most Haitians would be OK with the U.S. Military being in charge for a while and they the US state department paying for and managing reconstruction.

    7. That idiot should know that there is already a semiprivate island off the coast of Haiti that is under long-term lease by one of the cruise lines, carnival I believe.

      Why the hell would you invade to do something that people are just paying ordinary rent to do?

    8. It’s a weird catch 22…

      People like this guy never get better, and they keep reproducing and passing on their toxic mentality to their children.

      More civilized and level headed people wouldn’t do the shit this guy would do. BUT that includes ridding the world of his kind. So, we’re all just giving this filth a place to spread its stink because we try to be above it all.

      Would be nice if it was morally ok to genocide people who are willing to pick on those less fortunate.

    9. Who exactly is “we”. If this guy wants to invade Haiti, then by all means he should go and invade the island himself.

    10. Trump is racist towards Haitians. Two weeks later, his grifters want to colonise their home country by force.

      “He doesn’t mean it”

    11. omghorussaveusall on

      yeah, because no international powers have ever tried to hold on to control of any of those islands…

    12. theswedishturtle on

      Seriously, might as well annex Mexico and all of Central America while we’re at it. Then we just have a very small border wall to build at the Colombian border. /s

    13. I think if this person just asked “why would the US do this?” to themselves then they wouldn’t have posted something so ridiculous. I mean just a minimal level of critical thinking

    14. Said by a person who’s

      A: Never been to Haiti,

      B: Has no idea about the history of the Haitian people and how Haiti actually Became Haiti and not another French colony….

    15. AdministrativeWin583 on

      I have been to Haiti for a 4 month stint in 1994. Invading would cost billions. Not because overthrowing the gangs would be difficult, but because to put it back together would, while feeding and caring for the citizens would be overwhelming. What little infrastructure they had in the 90s was destroyed in the earthquake. When I was there in the 90s, it was the wild west. I saw murders and prostitution right on the sidewalk. Had a lady walk up the car while waiting for traffic and use the door to steady herself while she took a dump in the street. She looked me straight in the eyes while she did it. I watch a guy cut a ladies throat at a bus stop for her purse. The other people there did nothing, and her body lay in the gutter for days bloating in the sun.

      The governments have been corrupt for decades. Arosted had piles of cash at his home when I visited. All while the people starved.

    16. I approve, but it’s his mission and he leads it. And we all are ahead of time that no one rescues him

    17. BOOMphrasingBOOM on

      Racist arseholeary aside, maybe look into what happened to the last people that went into Haiti

    18. Dosent he realise the US us just paying Kenya to do it at a fraction of the cost and no aparent PR nightmare?

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