1. Fair transaction? Russia is stealing land while killing civilians. What’re they going to exchange for that?

    2. Poor Zelensky has to pay nice with Trump for now unfortunately. As does the rest of the world.

      Everyone is counting on you, American voters, to do the right thing! Please don’t disappoint us!

    3. Zelenskyy would rather be in the frontline trenches right now than be standing next to Putin’s footstool.

    4. decayed-whately on

      There’s no “transaction,” you fascist fuck. Russia gets no Ukrainian land. Russia gets nothing except opprobrium and scorn, which they can have as much of as they want, for free.

      No transaction!

    5. Zelenskyy punching a private citizen in his stupid orange face is covered under diplomatic immunity, yes? Please continue.

    6. Admirable_Nothing on

      All Putin wants is to control all of Ukraine. And I am considering returning Alaska to him as it is closer to russia than to NY.

    7. MoveToPuntaGorda on

      Why is Zelenskyy even meeting with Trump? Trump is not even an elected official with the government.

    8. Every time I think no one could be as tired of trump’s bs as I am, I see Zelinskyy and am humbled.

    9. F*cking stupid toddler pretending to be a politician.

      End him Nov

      Would have loved if Zelenskyy called him a liar about the phone call right there.


    10. It’s time rational people stop trying to engage in good faith discussions with this clown or Putin. They will try to steamroll you either way so it’s best to not engage and work your best to discredit them and hope you don’t have to deal with them again.

    11. Let me guess. The GOP strong armed President Zelenskyy into this? Demanding he appear “non-partisan”?

      Fuck them. I feel bad for Zelenskyy

    12. Waging war on a sovereign nation is not transactional, it’s theft by murder and mayhem.

      Fuck Trump for even couching it in these terms.

    13. Donold probably threatened him again. Why is the shitgibbon meeting with him anyway? I’ve never heard of other candidates meeting with foreign leaders. Another thing that’s probably illegal and should be if it isn’t.

    14. dennismfrancisart on

      No one with an ounce of emotional intelligence has ever looked comfortable around Trump. That includes babies, his grandchildren or animals.


    15. Am in alone in being kind of uncomfortable seeing Zelenskyy so physically near Trump?

      All jokes aside, Putin would love to end him.  Trump knows where Z is for that bit of time.  Trump takes orders from Papa Poot.

      I understand the political point of it (sort of).  To get his time with Harris, it had to look fair/non-partisan?  It seems like a wildly lopsided risk analysis for him to take.

      I just really hope Zelenskyy had extreme security measures in place for this.  

    16. Just for historical context: Appeasement has very literally never worked on a national level. Turns out the people who like to invade and slaughter for resources, land, and power are never satisfied with just a little bit.

    17. The look on Zelensky’s face says it all. Christ we can’t let this shitbird back into the WH again.

    18. Zelenskyy hates even being in the same room as him. The fact that Zelenskyy needs to beg for help disgusts me and Netanyahu just keeps getting gifted permission to carry out his continuous murder and now a ground war heating up in Lebanon.

    19. Fair transaction – like when Putin pays Lyin’ Donnie to pass American nuclear secrets to the Kremlin.

    20. A fair transaction would be Russia leaving Ukraine, paying all repair costs plus interest, the disarmament of Russian nuclear weapons, Russia’s removal from its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, and the criminal prosecution of Putin and his inner circle.

    21. What the hell? This actually happened? I thought this photo was fake. Meeting with Trump right now in Zelenskyy’s position has to be last on his bucket list.

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