You do you Laura.

    by 8-bit-Felix


    1. What Laura Inbred means to say is that without the kindly old man to kick around they’ll have to fall back on their usual playbook: racism, misogyny and xenophobia

    2. “Democrats should have stuck with Joe!”

      “Why, is Harris less popular?”

      “No, but she’s devastating to my side!”

    3. King_of_the_Nerdth on

      Date when this was said?  Not that I like these people, but I suspect this is old and pointless.

    4. Says a talking head at the propaganda channel that helped push DumbOld Trump Srs lie that the 2020 election was stolen. Costing the, $787 million when Dominion sued for defamation, and internal emails and texts from FQX proved they knowingly lied about he election being stolen because their MAGA viewers are snowflakes who couldn’t cope with Trumps loss. And honestly reporting that the election fraud conspiracies were complete and utter bullshit would cost FQX viewers, ratings, and revenue.

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