A piece of orange peel extracted from my daughter’s nose

    by AntiqueCranberries


    1. AntiqueCranberries on

      For some unknown reason my 5 yr old decided to shove some orange peel up her nose. After many attempts at home to remove it we ended up at A&E. They couldn’t get it out so we went back the next day to see the ENT team who managed to extract it with a lot of screaming and tears. Quite traumatic for both of us.

    2. Mine had cut off rubber frog toes found in his ears. 30 years later he is the Public Information Officer on tv for our cities police department. They grow up. 😀

    3. ComfortableParty2933 on

      My then 5 year old son shoved a bean inside his nose. It was a relatively small bean, however I couldn’t get it out. We went to the ER and by the time we arrived he could not breath through his nose. The doctors extracted it eventually and the bean has tripled in size because of the mucus inside his nose.

    4. JuggernautGood298 on

      This reminds me of what I did when I was around her age. Back during Christmas time, we would watch the Polar Express and then nap on some red and blue floor mats. Anyway, 5-year-old me saw an unpopped popcorn kernel on the ground, and I wanted to know if I could pick it out like a booger, so I pushed it up into my nostril. When I couldn’t get it out, I panicked and didn’t say a word to anyone because I didn’t want to get in trouble. It was discovered when my mom couldn’t figure out what the bad smell was, and finally, she looked up my nose and saw a ROTTING popcorn kernel. The doctors tried everything to get it out, and they finally pulled out some kind of vacuum machine, and it flew right out.

      I never did that again. 😂😂😂

    5. I thought you were joking, It’s really early in the AM I couldn’t comprehend an Orange peel in a nose lol. I’m glad they got it out.

    6. Ah, kids. My daughter put an unpopped popcorn kernel in her ear. ER trip, 5 hour wait. Much pain. She got gas and air to help manage it. She was legitimately shaken by the experience, clung to me all the way home.

      I had to work hard not to say “WELL YA WON’T DO THAT AGAIN, HUH?!”

    7. My younger sister had to have a dandelion removed from her nose when she was about 3. She said she really wanted to smell the flower lol

    8. Did the same thing as a child with some part of a plant. Also had to go to the hospital. Never did that again 🙂

    9. Reminds me of when I shoved a crayon up my nose when I was a kid and they asked my mom if she wanted to keep it afterwards lol

    10. And that’s how she learned the lesson “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”, the hard way.

    11. NothingChoice8030 on

      We went to the ER to get a 2 inch piece of spaghetti taken out of my 14 month olds nose the other night. Ohhh children!

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