Gone are the days when everyone could afford brains. Ahh the good old days

    by Cowboypunkstarcactus


    1. Part of me really wants to believe that some guy named “Brian” owned a drive in diner he named after himself who either didn’t know how to spell or the people who he hired to paint this sign fucked up and he couldn’t afford to change it right away.

    2. PrinceGreenEyes on

      Nice – pig brain fast food. Where i live are gas tanks where you can buy hotdog with blood sausage. I asked for cowberry jem, but they had only sour cream and thats only fail for that hotdog. 

    3. RainbowQueeniee on

      Only a quarter for brains? Wish that was the case today! What would you guys buy from a 25¢ menu now?

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