Like clockwork

    by Detroitish24


    1. TheManIWas5YearsAgo on

      I see so many lists that claim more people move to Florida than any other state and I’m always left scratching my head.

      Who wants to live in a state with that many hurricanes and Republicans?

    2. Pumpkin spice is in the air, the first wails of The War On Christmas have already rung out, and Florida is ass out and in need of hand-outs yet again. To those affected I hope for the best, for those in power that put your people in these situations over and over again because it’s too hard or expensive, rot.

    3. Do we get to see desantis on TV wearing his ridiculous white knee high rubber go-go boots again?

    4. purpol-phongbat on

      I hope Kamala calls this out more, or at least Walz does. How these cucks get away with their mouths writing all sorts of checks their ass can’t cash should be more apparent. You know, call it out, mock the politicians, and then help them the right way to show that it’s possible to be generous and progressive at the same time.

      You’d think people who lived through so much natural disaster, where nature doesn’t give a fuck who you are or what you believe, would be more aligned with that same mindset.

    5. The only time DeSantis thinks that Florida is part of the United States is when there’s a hurricane. The rest of the time, Florida is his own personal little country with an unlimited bank account. 

    6. I know it’s petty but it’d be pretty funny to watch that request get put on hold for a bit to make Meatball Ron suffer a little bit.

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