Hit and fly

    by afoxcalledwhisper


    1. MortgageValuable5457 on

      A hot air balloon descending in Cappadocia collided with a parked car, and the moment was captured by nearby onlookers.
      The balloon, which had taken off for a tourist tour in Göreme, Nevşehir, was descending near Love Valley.
      The basket of the balloon struck a car belonging to visitors who had come to the hills around the valley to enjoy the view.
      After the pilot reignited the burner, the hot air balloon ascended again and made a safe landing at a different spot.
      The accident was recorded by people in the area.

    2. Pilot was not to blame; he would have missed that car. Those people all holding onto the basket caused that collision, while the pilot was burning to clear it. I worked as chase crew for a hot air balloon tour company for years, and >1500lbs of unexpected ballast would sabotage even the best pilots.

    3. At Farmers, we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two… or maybe this would be Mayhem instead! Good insurance commercial material either way

    4. Well, my car got hit and lifted by a hot air balloon is a story you can tell for a long, long time.

    5. I’m just imagining the car owners conversation with the insurance company. Not something you see everyday.

    6. Username_71907190 on

      What happens to the balloon now that it has the giant hole burnt?

      (I know nothing about hot air balloons)

      Does it have to try and ground immediately or is it able to still do flight?

    7. NeverGonnaGiveMewUp on

      Managed to put a giant hole in the balloon as well. Pilot (or whatever they are called) would have cleared that no problem if they hadn’t grabbed it

    8. How much damage, caused by idiots on the ground, if the pilot was left to his own devices he would have been fine.

    9. Were those people hanging on trying to make it hit the car? What was their goal? I’m so confused.

    10. Love how they all just stand there afterwards, hands on their hips like nothing else could have been done.

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