When you see and feel the results of climate change, but need a conspiracy to fit your biases.

    by ZonkXD


    1. I mean she’s not wrong. The weather *is* being manipulated. Slowly. By billionaires who will keep polluting it.

    2. ‘Tis I, Liberal Larry The Hurricane Controller!! I will force this hurricane into Republican areas and you will only get flooded if you voted for Trump!

    3. submit_2_my_toast on

      Who is this ‘They’? And how are they creating hurricane-sized disasters that are going unnoticed that then have to be covered up by actual hurricanes? Just incoherent conspiracy mad libs.

    4. I honestly can’t believe people this stupid and delusional share the same planet as normal people.

    5. The weater IS being manipulated, we’ve known that since the 50s, we even gave this phenomen a name for fuck sake

    6. Professional-End2722 on

      We’re three months away from sacrificing new borns to the Sun God so that the sun rises in the morning.

      They truly are that dumb.

    7. See they figured it out. All of the scientists were playing the long game saying it’s climate change when in fact they were just working in the weather controller. Seee long game and 5D chess

    8. SnooStrawberries3391 on

      It’s done for the sake of clicks/$$. The weirder the conspiracy the more clicks it gets. That be jest an edgeecated guess on my part.

      Our Florida gubner sez no to climate change. Period. Case closed.

      See how easy it goes away?

    9. “It can’t be that thing that all the scientists have been telling us about for decades, it must be some sort of conspiracy”


    10. I’m genuinely worried about the majority of the people in Helene’s path, but Catturd is not one of them.

    11. They don’t believe that human activity affects climate despite piles of evidence you can ski down but they do believe that we can make and control a fucking hurricane to punish Floridians.

      That’s some wild ass thinking right there.

    12. When the simple explanation is too simple so you make up an impossible and implausible explanation instead.

    13. American education system is failing. America is progressing because of H-1B Visa, which sucks up the talent from all over the world.

    14. They’ve never had hurricanes this big? Even back in the 80s and 90s this was an average size hurricane. When I lived in Sebastian, FL we didn’t even board up for one of these.

    15. Catonachandelier on

      Huh. Christina must be really young if she doesn’t remember seeing hurricanes this large in Florida before. She doesn’t remember Andrew?

    16. These people’s stupidity actually harms my mental health. I’m just in disbelief. How can anyone be this stupid?

    17. Bubbly-Fault4847 on

      So these motherfuckers simply not understand human scale?

      Imagine the immense size and sheer numbers of equipment that it would take to do anything close to this.

      “bUt tHeY cAn SeEd cLoWDs”

    18. Could it be the billions of tons of carbon spewed out into the atmosphere each year causing the climate to change just like those highly educated climate experts have been telling us about for decades? No, more likely it’s a conspiracy some fuck knuckle on YouTube told me about…

    19. Activate the hurricane can generator aka just normal life under capitalism and fossil fuel dependency mwa haha. Morons.

    20. I got this one fam.

      So in “climate change” the letter C from climate is the third letter of the alphabet, so 3. And in change the letter C is also the third letter. Therefore with 3=3 we can simply swap the two letters and deduce that…


      Hoax confirmed!

    21. CardinalCountryCub on

      What do they think this is, an episode of General Hospital in the 80s? Do they think Mikkos Cassadine’s weather machine is real? Wouldn’t it make more sense for the democrats (or whoever had it) to make the weather where they are nicer?

      I can’t with these people anymore.

      (Yes, I know the weather is changing, and that humans are to blame. It’s the idea that it’s a group of people deciding what to do on a virtual whim that gets me.)

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