Vampires are real 🧛‍♂️ 🦇

    by javelin3000


    1. She’s off her damned rocker and has been for a long time. Wtf is she doing on that phony assholes tour anyway?

    2. Acrobatic_Ad7541 on

      I’m not sure about vampires, but listening to her voice has made it abundantly clear that banshees exist

    3. She’s been mentally ill for years. Staff on her show were really worried for her until she finally melted down and spewed out shit publicly and the show runner and network finally had no choice but to fire her. How bad is it that you get fired from a show named after you? She’s been in a delusional state ever since.

    4. thefifththwiseman on

      I wouldn’t fuck Roseanne Barr with Rosie O’Donnell’s rubber cock. What an insufferable bag.

    5. And I liked her sitcom

      Makes it really difficult to enjoy it anymore. So odd seeing someone who was in a fairly progressive show in terms of gay rights be acting like a Christian Taliban nutjob

    6. wanna_escape_123 on

      Who the fucc are those elites I wonder …. 🤔 They’re definitely not Elon, Bezos, Trump, Satya, Pichai, or Gates according to her, innit ? 🤡

    7. Coulrophiliac444 on

      If by ‘Vampire’ meaning I’m up all night as its the only time to myself to do my hobbies or workout, then yeah. Otherwise I’ll eat a clove of garlic raw and spit it in her eyes and we’ll see who the real vampire is.

    8. ITeechYoKidsArt on

      Well I don’t know much about vampires, but I know a bloodsucking hell beast when I marry one. -Tom Arnold

    9. “Trump is going to stop it.”

      He was president for 4 years. Why didn’t he stop it then? Has he published his plan to stop blood drinking vampires?

    10. Really sounds like these alt right conspiracy theorists are psyching themselves up to have a buffet of babies.

    11. Literally blood libel. Bingo! bingo I got bingo! Oh wait, I had Don Jr cutting the head off a whale not RFK…

    12. Friendly-Worker-3474 on

      The Maniacal Mystery Tour… they’re coming to take her away, coming to take her away… cue the strait jacket chorus

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