Family with six fingers on each hand

    by AccomplishedStuff235


    1. Fun fact. OpenAi trained all their large language models on 100,000 hours of Joao de Assis da Silva playing the guitar.

    2. AdApprehensive378 on

      Wow. Surprised it’s real. I thought it was an AI generated joke to show how good the next version is, but also making fun of the old version.

    3. Jealous, they even got lucky with a functional and decent looking polydactyle gene! The extra digits are fully formed and in places that “make sense” for anatomy. Some folks with the mutation have strange looking not so helpful digits that can grow off of existing ones.

    4. i_dont_wanna_sign_up on

      Being able to type 20% faster than a regular human, they are the next step in human evolution.

    5. JustRegularType on

      I like how each person interviewed has:

      “Has Twelve Fingers”

      under them on the screen.

    6. There actually is a group of people in china who also all have functional 6th finger on each hand. I think it’s a group of around 100 or so.

      Lets get these two groups together and kickstart some evolution

    7. NotActuallyAnExpert_ on

      I wonder what sports out there they could excel at.

      Imagine one of them as a baseball pitcher. Could they make the ball spin in ways never seen before?  

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