You know shits about to get real with Hurricane Helene

    by alexaclova


    1. Catturd was whining about this 8 hours ago, when the storm was down by Fort Myers/Naples. He lives in the Panhandle, west of Tallahassee and out of the direct path:

      WAAAAAAA!!!!! Bad rainies coming my way.

      Catturd, grow a pair, incel!

      Just imagine what he’ll be going through tonight, that climate denying bitch!

      He hates “socialism,” so I hope that he doesn’t waddle his ass in line wanting big govt handouts from the deep state.

    2. I’m waiting to see Jim Cantore. When he shows up, you know you’re in deep trouble! Waffle House closing has to be a first, I’ve NEVER seen them closed due to weather!

    3. Waffle House is the safety standard. Open = All Good. Closed = Take this seriously. Boarded up =Get the fuck out now!!

    4. FreeflyingSunflower on

      You’d think with the democrats having control over the path of Helene, they would at least respect the Waffle Houses.


    5. sequins_and_glitter on

      Anyone who has grown up with hurricanes or dealt with them in any capacity knows that once the Waffle House closes, shit is about to get bad. It’s literally an informal FEMA method for measuring the impact of storms.

    6. CNN was telling people that if you plan to ride out the storm, write your name and social security number on your arm so they can identify your body.


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