He’s gone all out fascist!

    by Snoo-95009


    1. Ah yes, the classic fire the ones who can actually know how to do their jobs and replace them with fanatics who have the brain of an ant

    2. This has been obvious to everyone with their head on straight since at least 2020-21, especially Jan. 6th.

      If you are just realizing this NOW, then you’re either irresponsibly uninformed, or just a plain moron.

    3. And he says he isn’t like the leader of the Angry Germans from WW2 at the same time. He is exactly like that

    4. Mind posting a link to this? Or at a minimum the date when it happened. I’m looking and can’t find it, not that fox makes their site easy to search…

    5. Link to footage? Did this ACTUALLY happen?

      Edit: I did try to find it on YouTube and other sources without success. Genuinely asking.

      Edit 2: Ah, the poster is either a bot or a weeb. No credit AT ALL. Hate the orange clown but, shit like this on either side is bad.

    6. He has not “gone” fascist. He has always been. At first, he was a bit more discreet about it, but now seeing how his “base” enthusiastically embrace his fascist leanings, he’s actively and proudly displaying his true colours.

    7. And yet they’ll keep saying that calling him a fascist is hate speech that prompts assassination attempts… from his own side.

    8. Acceptable_Bend_5200 on

      Huh, doesn’t Project 2025 mention firing and replacing top military officials? That’s strange…

    9. Critical_Half_3712 on

      Every day he speaks another idea from p25 comes out his mouth. It’s almost like he knows about it or something

    10. Gold-Perspective-699 on

      Wait so if he wins can Canada go to war with us and take over the US lands and get rid of USA finally. Make us part of Canada.

    11. SmarterThanYouIRL on

      Shocking to who? This man does not give a shit about anyone or anything but himself. Never has. Never will.

    12. Remember when Howard Dean yelled weird that one time and it fucking derailed his entire political career? Why did we ever go away from that?

    13. The_real_bandito on

      The way to control the government is with his own people. The military didn’t move against the courts even though he ordered them too during the 2020 presidential coup he was trying to pull. He needs his people when he pull that move against /conspiracytheory

    14. If Jan 6th is an example of the type MAGA Generals he has in mind, this country will be prime for the taking by our international adversaries. Yes, including Russia.

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