Trump is selling $100K gold watches now! Where does it go from here?

    by sandozguineapig


    1. Weird how the alleged billionaire has to hock a bunch of junk like he’s a drifter at Time Square

    2. I remember back before the 2016 election Trumpers saying that “he’ll act more presidential after he’s elected.”

      What a crock of diseased dog shit.

    3. So we’ve just given up on the Emoluments Clause and Trump is for sale to just anyone. Greeeeaaaat.

    4. Environmental-Arm365 on

      Cheetolini eats so much fast food I don’t think anything would stay put in that rancid slush-hole.

    5. I’d say steak or vodka, but he already failed at them.. sneakers… bibles.. casinos… real estate…

    6. What I wonder is what third world, knock off company is manufacturing all the crap Trump and his family is selling for such high prices?

    7. It’s a grift to get money for all his causes. It’s a way for the rich to keep financing him. That’s it.

    8. espresso_martini__ on

      I have never seen anything like this.. a person running for president constantly grifting people with tacky shit. He’s up there again and again like some shitty infomercial preying on the stupid. Its weird!

    9. Honestly, this whole presidency thing seems like an umbrella con just to boost his normal small time cons. If he hadn’t been born rich, you know he’d be sleazing around Queens, looking for winning tickets on the floor of the OTB in between hitting on teenagers and yes, selling knock off watches.

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