Quite an interesting story 🤔

    by TCH62120


    1. Well this is just blatantly misleading.

      There should be at least three more jets and a group of torpedo boats attacking the ship too.

    2. ReichBallFromAmerica on

      Don’t worry guys, it was an accident. How was Isreal supposed to know that the ship with the American flag, in the area the US told the Isrealies a ship would be, with the outline of an American vessel, was in fact, the American navy vessel the Isrealies were told about?

    3. LoveDesertFearForest on

      Oooh those darn Israelis! I’ve had it! I must use the Nuclear Option!
      I have no choice but to knock a few dollars off the next money shipment!
      That oughta show ‘em!

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