I know a lot of people here will say that it’s too sensitive but I disagree. The sensitivity is mostly online. Offline people are very insensitive and fight for their right to be.

    by battleangel1999


    1. I think nowadays ppl go out of their way to say the shittiest things and then claim that anyone who doesn’t like it is a snowflake. There’s this push to be nonchalant about everything and to think that everything is in a big deal. That there are no mountains. There are only mole hills that people make into mountains. “It’s not that deep” is something I hear all the time even on incredibly important things.

      So many people especially people my age want to believe that nothing really matters. Online the opposite is true. The sky is falling all the time and everyone is trying to be offended on behalf of someone else. But online is online and offline is offline. If you put down your phone I don’t think you’ll see the sensitivity as much. But that’s just my personal experience. Yours may be different.

    2. Tough question to answer without the context of who’s asking because there are people out there to whom just not allowing yourself/your group/your culture to be a doormat = “Too sensitive”

      Like a group of friends joking with you in a way that you’re not comfortable with, then when you speak up for yourself you have that one friend that’s all like “It was just a joke/a prank bro why you being so sensitive!?” type shit

    3. Too sensitive…but not in the way the anti-woke weirdos think.

      People are just allergic to self-reflection and admitting that they’re wrong. They’d rather double down to look “tough”, or act like their critics are just haters conspiring against them. The internet freely encourages that stuff to monetize outrage and extremism, regardless of the consequences.

    4. Too sensitive. So many peoples identity is finding things that don’t or will never affect them and trying to find a way to be outraged by it. And while there are certain things that deserve outrage when you do it all the time it takes away effectiveness and is exhausting

    5. Everyone say people are too sensitive until they have to sit next to the hardcore Trumper at work ranting about Trump’s enemies list and the blacks

      People will just open conversations about how much they want to shoot a trans person in a bathroom unprompted.

      So naw, people are too insensitive in the real world

    6. I have a hard time differentiating from real anger vs ragebait/mental illness. I think it’s more a me problem than anything else. I’m kinda bad at reading people both on and offline.

    7. Big-Commission-4911 on

      Is it either or? There’s lots of too-sensitivity and insensitivity. I don’t think its very important which theres more of, if that can even be clearly determined in the first place. I just see them as kinda separate problems.

    8. I think one of the main points is that we have a choice. We have come far enough as a society where we are cognizant of certain things and can still learn more. Knowing when to be sensitive and insensitive is key.

    9. Bubbly_Satisfaction2 on

      I flip-flop between the two. Sometimes, I think folks are sensitive.

      But then I remember the time in which people were participating in the #trayvonmartinchallenge, as well as, recording themselves committing sex crimes and passing that footage along like they were trading cards.

    10. Nah, social media is the cause in general. People create these safe places, join groups where everyone thinks just like them, follow pages and subs that say and share the things they want to hear and see, block out anything and everyone that doesn’t lineup with their views and beliefs. Then when they go out into the real world they’re overwhelmed bc nobody cares about their feelings and they’re offended lol.

    11. A bit of both. People are sensitive as hell when they want something to be mad about, and people always want to be mad in 2024. But present a real issue – gun violence, for example. They tell you to get over it, the victims are just paid actors, etc.

      A lot of people want to act like they stand for something but are afraid to actually take a stand on something that matters. This is where a lot of our meaningless outrage comes from. Sensitive enough to stay mad, but too insensitive to use that passion for something meaningful.

    12. Too insensitive, a lot of people love to crack wise about others until it’s them and their’s. Extremism and bigotry is a market and too people unknowingly pay into and make jobs for people to profit. If anything we need more sensitivity now a days, the amount of being shrugging off an innocent boy having the n word carved into his chest is frankly frightening.

    13. Too insensitive for me. Let me give you an example:

      I was on bluesky yesterday (Brazilian, no Twitter). Yesterday, Marcelus Williams was murdered by the state. Also yesterday, someone revealed that here in Brazil we sometimes get heads from people put to death in the US so beauty school students can practice.

      I saw the very same people who posted against Marcelus execution turning the “Beauty School Fresh Corpse” thing into a meme.

      I almost have no words.

    14. individuals are too sensitive and society is too insensitive. Everyone is the main character and nobody cares.

    15. HadokenShoryuken2 on

      I think there’s too much extreme thinking. No one can have a measured, nuanced take anymore

    16. Americans are too insensitive when things affect others but not them. But given the level of narcissism in America if it involves THEM the level of Butt Hurt goes off the charts.

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