This is just straight up racism.

    by DevelopmentSad3095


    1. Herlander_Carvalho on

      Ok so that means that, whites in Murica are all thriving, right? That is the logical conclusion. So, the US government can start skipping benefits for white people, since they are all doing so good.

    2. I appreciate the sentiment but all I can see here is the message in the offending post being amplified.

    3. Great-Needleworker23 on

      They can name the causes and symptoms but not connect the dots.

      Poverty = High Levels of Crime = Low Achievement.

      Who would have thought groups that are poorer than others on average would suffer higher rates of crime and lower achievement. Wild.

      Fucking morons.

    4. Ijustlovevideogames on

      Do you know what actual drives up crime? Poverty, fix that, you fix the crime, not entirely obviously, but since most crimes are done for the sake of making it yeah, too bad the country has done a really good job of making it really hard to do that, while having people like this doing everything in their power to keep said side down, weird.

    5. Very telling how people like this never put their actual face or name behind what they are saying.

      It is always anonymous accounts on your favorite racism and misinformation mill, X.

      There will come a time where X will overtake 4chan in level of cesspool.

    6. Can people for the love of god stop reposting shit like that on Reddit? I get calling out racists on twitter, but with every r/facepalm repost this filth just reaches the eyes of more people, which is exactly what they want

    7. So wait, what’s the quote twit suggesting? Since he says they’re not doing so well anywhere on earth, he can’t be suggesting the usual racist twaddle about “sending them back.”

      It’s almost as if his solution is a more, say, final one.

      This is, even in the current environment, a shockingly abhorrent tweet.

    8. I think dick long has penis envy. He probably posts memes about ” Tyrone” stealing all the white women. And how he’s planning on moving to Asia.

    9. “This is just straight up racism.”
      Oh… I didn’t catch it because of the subtleness, but now that you mention it… NO SHIT SHERLOCK?!

    10. Apollo_Dragon777 on

      Sound like they just want to blame black people for crimes and everything else that Is wrong with a country. They’re racist and refuse to acknowledge that maybe it not black people that the problem but rather situations they’re forced in. The problem is racism and the solution is equality.

    11. Blacks at more likely to be convicted of a crime and more likely to be exonerated of committing a crime. Neither of these statistics have anything to do with actual crimes committed as most go unsolved or unreported. This only shows the implicit bias of the justice/police system.

    12. This is so hateful and twisted. I don’t like seeing this kinda thing anywhere. We as humans can do much better.

    13. As soon as I saw “blacks” combined with that caricature, I knew it wouldn’t be good.

      I feel dirty just having read that.

    14. I had my former students join these dots in history class, and the lines were labelled, slaves to the Americas, sugar cotten and tobacco to Europe and rum, textiles and manufactured goods to Africa. Or am I doing this wrong?

      Slavery and colonialism dipshit. Western hegemony was built with black bodies

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