Just imagine!

    by Bursickle


    1. Own-Cupcake7586 on

      There’s no doubt trump is graded on a curve. And that curve is “the glorious leader can do no wrong.” That’s it. Nothing he can say or do will earn him the ridicule he so richly deserves.

      History will remember him not only for the monstrous idiot he is, but for the way he exposed the gullibility of so many people.

    2. This is just proof that Trump is a shit business man and a shit politician.

      If he had run for the Presidency when he was 35, he would have had the last 40 years to sell this bullshit to his simple minded sheep.

      He may have never had to file for bankruptcy. And if he had, any of the contractors suing him would have been labeled traitors and lawfare.

    3. Remember when that reporter opened Trump’s thick bound healthcare plan and it was filled with gibberish?

      If a democrat had done that you’d never hear the end of it.

    4. Yea, MAGA supporters wanting to know why they feel so broke, maybe you should stop paying the legal fees for a morally bankrupt, pathological lying, malignant narcissist.

    5. She would get some backlash. What she wouldn’t get much of is buyers. Her followers are not suckers and chumps nor does she see them that way. Trump knows Maga are suckers, and cannot resist ripping them off.

    6. whiskeyvacation on

      Why is that? Can someone explain like I’m 5YO why it is he is gets a free pass when almost everyone, especially “liberals” are held to very high standards (as it should be.)

    7. Affectionate-Club725 on

      It’s kind of a flawed argument because almost no one would buy them. The people they are pandering to are very different… which may point toward the core of those differences and why they each believe what they choose to.

    8. Or was convicted of rape and various other crimes, such as trying to end democracy and sharing state secrets with foreign enemies…

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