Maybe they can sue Clay next.

    by SorryNSorry


    1. Honestly, I am surprised he didn’t go the full nine yards and use the N-word because he damn near called the Haitian community “uppity”

    2. LuciusSweetsCrown on

      “How dare they bring criminal charges against convicted rapist and pedophile donald trump”

    3. blandocalrissian50 on

      Wow. How do people feel so free to say things like this? My mom taught me to keep certain things to myself. If you can’t say anything nice, you’re probably a republican.

    4. from 2020, i don’t think he likes black people:

      >An incendiary Facebook post by U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins in which the Lafayette Republican threatened to shoot a rumored group of openly-armed protesters drew a rare rebuke from a colleague in the state’s congressional delegation, with U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond saying his “dumb and reckless Facebook post requires serious condemnation.”

      >In the post Tuesday evening — which was accompanied by a photo of openly-armed Black protesters at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Louisville — Higgins, a Lafayette Republican, vowed that anyone arriving in Louisiana “aggressively natured and armed” would have a “one way ticket” and that he’d personally “drop 10 of you.”

      republicans love gun ownership unless it’s a minority with a gun. then there are some problems.

      # Pro-Gun Tucker Carlson Pumps Brakes on Armed Transgender People


    5. I don’t give a shit what side he’s on or what district he represents – this is elected member of Congress speaking about legal residents of his country in this manner.

      Absolutely disgusting. There’s something fundamentally wrong with you if you fully comprehend what he’s saying and you nod your head in approval

    6. Says the man who wouldn’t drive through his native city (New Orleans) without a security detail. Considering the way his party has turned portions of Louisiana into areas that resemble a third-world country, he’s a true asshole.

    7. Wait, so the Haitians are responsible for Vudu, the digital video store and streaming service? Sweet!

    8. “vudu” and “cults”

      Christianity is based entirely on blood magic and human sacrifice.

      Maga is not very different of a cult from Christianity.

    9. Yes those awful vudu practitioners are going to cast spells on donnie boy and stick pins in his ‘vudu’ doll.

      Clearly no spellcheck here, not that he cares

    10. frsh_usr_nmbr_314 on

      Racism is so tired and pathetic. It is a huge red flag that America so happily thrives in hatred. We are a joke to humanity. Ooooooooh, I don’t like that person because I was born this color and they look another color?!?!?! LMAO

    11. Holy shit. Talking like this would get you fired from McDonald’s. But now Trump normalized this type of thing and some politicians think they can just spout off shit like this with no repercussions. Like haven’t any of these dorks had a job where they had to act professional before?

    12. Classic-Trifle-2085 on

      And to think we have Daniel Smith here essentially admiring those people like they’re role models

    13. This kind of hate speech used to cost people their jobs. So done with there being no consequences for this shit.

    14. AutomaticJesusdog on

      “These Haitians are wild”. The fact that this doesn’t immediately ruin this guy’s life is very fucked.

    15. Another good Christian patriot showing that love and tolerance they always brag about. Why doesn’t he get out of MY COUNTRY. I don’t want ignorant bigots here.

    16. LongjumpingSector687 on

      Vudu? Whats so wrong with streaming movies they bought? Oh wait he means Voodoo, well that just dumber.

    17. Nearby-Jelly-634 on

      It is beyond embarrassing that this chud is an elected official. Fuck every single person who voted for this asshat.

    18. What is this guy talking about? The Haitians aren’t suing Biden or Harris. They’re suing some racist asshole and his lapdog.

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