A Team Up like no one has ever seen!

    by Caleb_the_Opossum_1


    1. “But, to use one of your metaphors, we are all floating in the same boat. We may certainly try to push one another over the side, but only a maniac like Dee would make a hole in the bottom.”

      — Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant

    2. “If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”

      -Winston Churchill

    3. Putin has successfully sown chaos in the USA.

      It was part of his plan to destroy the USA so that Russia could become a “super power” again.

    4. This is funny but seeing Dick Chaney endorse Harris is a pretty big deal. Chaney is as old school republican as you can get. However, the MAGA contingent doesn’t care they’ll follow Trump straight to hell and believe him when he tells them it’s heaven.

    5. Best explanation I’ve heard is that Dick Chaney helped create the Trump mess, the least he could do is help clean it up.

    6. Dick Cheney might be the only person where if they were running against Donald Trump, I may actually vote for Donnie. But I welcome his perspective in this time.

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