It’s just sad

    by RadiantRush0


    1. Nope, we’re definitely not a racist country. No ma’am.

      Carry on, nothing to see here. And stop filming, please.

    2. DaCozPuddingPop on

      I mean…I get what the point of this particular message is but…

      if I saw a dude wandering around near my house with a flashlight I would damn well be calling it in regardless of race. As a police officer why would you not knock on the door to let the person know you’re going to be, you know…walking around their yard with a flashlight? I don’t care if you’re white, black, a child, a female…I see a flashlight bopping around out my bedroom window on my property, I’m calling the local PD to find out what the fuck is going on.

      Maybe the people calling it in really said what he’s saying they did (wouldn’t surprise me because racism is most certainly a big problem) but again, as a police officer, identify yourself before wandering around my property and we won’t have a misunderstanding, or even the POTENTIAL for a misunderstanding.

    3. “In police cloths” is the cherry on top. Or maybe “looking into houses” is. Either way, it’s sad this is how people think. They don’t realize just how deep the racial prejudices are hidden and they’ll never admit they have a problem.

    4. My cat ran away last night (she came back thank god) and i had the thought of something like this happening when I was looking for her in my neighborhood. If you appear like you’re looking for something or look confused, you better find what you’re looking for quickly

    5. Simple_Magazine_3450 on

      Well if he was alone, no police lights from a nearby car and everything else as described then there is nothing racist here.

    6. Oh yeah. I remember this one department taking calls from this gated community. The calls kept saying there was a black man stalking around with a weapon. It turned out that the black man was a man in his 70s, the weapon was a cane, and the area he was stalking was a walking trail past a fence, past a pond, hundreds of feet from any houses, and all this during daylight hours.

    7. HaphazardFlitBipper on

      There was just a shooting. Now there’s a guy slinking around my back yard. A cop should have knocked on my door to let me know he was there before entering my property. If that hasn’t happened, it’s more likely that the guy in my yard is the perp as opposed to a cop.

      Yeah, I’m calling that in too.

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