We’re the smartest in da whole earth

    by ChapterAggressive546


    1. Choice-Welder-9294 on

      Reddit is one of the few sites where 2 people can confidently say 2 different answers and a third guy would just pop up with the actual correct information

    2. death_wishbone3 on

      “I can’t get my own life in order but let me tell you how the world economy should be run”

    3. Wranglin_Pangolin on

      I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Call me Reddit Prime, I’ll answer all your questions with my superior knowledge base.

    4. Aren’t the Redditers joining the R/ they’re interested and they have knowledge about that’s why they are doing it? 🤨

    5. Giving solid advice is easy. Taking solid advice is hard. I can dish out advice really well because a lot of the time I know the advice I am giving is what I need to do for my current issues so it’s almost like projecting. But alas, I cant take my own advice.

    6. Conversely, it is very cool when a verifiable expert randomly shows up in the comment section to give their thoughts on a subject.

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