Who’s going to tell them

    by Doc_tor_Bob


    1. Individual_Complex_6 on

      Be fair, they managed 50% accuracy! That’s not nothing!
      Well, technically speaking it would be 75%, but Lincoln would be disgusted by the current Republican party, so I would still say 50 😀

    2. Hang on, wasn’t Kennedy, as in JFK a Democrate and Oswald a ‘Deep State’ patsy?

      And wasn’t Regan shot by a crazy boy trying to impress a girl?

      And wasn’t Trump shot by 2 Republicans?

      And didn’t the other guy want to send all the black ex-slaves back to Africa?

    3. All that money on a sign and they still couldn’t get it right. These uneducated morons just keep on giving.

    4. shesinsaneornot on

      May the ghosts of William McKinley, James Garfield, and Gerald Ford take vengeance upon the souls of the creators of this billboard.

    5. “Those who control the present control the past, those who control the past, control the future.” – George Orwell, 1984

    6. Confidently incorrect on all counts, but it is not as if any of it can be easily disproved by the simple ability of reading.

    7. >”Democrats are killers”

      Wow, the deplorable authors of that billboard are really going all out on their stochastic terrorism messaging, aren’t they?

    8. Lincoln was shot by an alcoholic racist(most people who fot this description nowadays are Republicans). Reagan was shot by an insane guy. Kennedy WAS a Democrat. Trump was never shot; he was shot at, but not shot, and both attempts were by Republicans.

    9. professorfunkenpunk on

      I’m a little fuzzy, but I’m not sure JFK was a Republican. And I’m not sure Lincoln would have much Republican support today.

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