1980 when you could smoke just about anywhere

    by Impossible-Face-6969


    1. I remember having a job interview at McDonalds when I was 16 and the hiring manager chain-smoked throughout the interview and basically filled one up while we talked.

    2. Cheap-Science4334 on

      A friend of mine collects stuff from Mickey D’s. He usually collects the kids toys in the happy meals. But, he has a whole sleeve of these ashtrays still in the original packaging.

      I think there’s like 50 of them in it.

    3. awesomeness1234 on

      Making it into a spinner was the pro move. Add a pointer and ask “who is the dingus?” And letting the spin choose was top teir.

    4. Straitoutahelgen on

      Should have included one of those little coke spoons McDonald’s used to give out to stir your coffee. Missed opportunity, that.

    5. I remembered the cashier asking my parents smoking or non and they smoked 🤮. We had the those orange glass trays

    6. Stock-User-Name-2517 on

      I watched a man hit on a fifteen year old mother while she had a cigarette on her break inside a Wendy’s.

      North Carolina, probably 2002.

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