Chinese rocket test ends in explosion, caught on drone footage!

    by vikrogers


    1. They had hover capabilities, which the Falcon 9 doesn’t have.

      SpaceX is all too familiar with a scene like this…

    2. To the fake-yeller – why would someone go through the hassle of making a half decent animation and then not have the rocket successfully land? If it was for propaganda, the rocket would flawlessly touch down…

    3. It looks like it either ran out of fuel, or the altitude sensor was registering the wrong measurement before shutting off the engine

    4. Considering SpaceX has been doing this on a commercial basis hundreds of times per year the only interesting thing about this is the explosion at the end.

    5. If rockets are expensive, why don’t they design a station that secure rockets mid-air above the ground? This would eliminate the need for perfect landing.

    6. “Chinese commercial rocket firm Deep Blue Aerospace conducted a first-stage rocket hop test Sunday, experiencing a partial failure during the final moments of landing.”

      From another article on this test.

    7. The drone footage is animated based on the real footage. So they have a real video that has been recorded from far and they’ve used that footage to create the ”drone-animation”.

    8. That looked perfect, except they dropped to far in the end. But why does the camera have to be tilted, like some people do mirror selfies? Im nearly laying on my table here to watch it.

    9. Oh boy… it is 100% a legit drone record but people can’t tell, dunno if it’s a good or bad thing, like, people are aware of the “fake era” we are living.

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