The trailer of Ghost of Yotei has a lot of comments like this one

    by 9oRo


    1. From the crowd that brought you “why do we need representation”, we now present “why don’t they look like ME”

    2. Must be difficult getting reminded that women exist. I wish for their sake they could have a safe space where men play all the roles, kinda like most of corporate America.

      Preferably on an island somewhere far away.

    3. It’s because women bad and no one can name a good game with a women as the protagonist.

      /s (in case it wasn’t obvious)

    4. Maybe he’s just looking forward to some beefcake eye candy…..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

    5. Despite Jin being the main character in the original, how many women had a massive role in the story? Hell you could have made a game just about them. People really are stupid

    6. Mysterious_Detail_57 on

      Idk but I just wanted more of Jin Sakai. He was badass.

      Hopefully this game will be as good as the first

    7. Jin Sakai would have died if a woman hadn’t saved him, taught him new skills, and basically showed him that the Samurai mentality wouldn’t lead to victory (true both in game and in real life, since after repelling the Mongol invaders fae Honshu the Samurai Government of Japan turned on itself and collapsed).

      Not to mention the other women who were pinnacle in helping Jin overcome and defeat the invaders.

    8. Why does it have to NOT have a female protagonist? Why can’t you enjoy a video game if the player character is not a man? I can do it just fine. Something must be wrong with you.

    9. The irony is that if you make a game with absolutely SARCASTIC over the top, “male role model” with all the toxic masculity you could imagine as main character…

      They would totally accept it at face value

    10. I’m just waiting for them to figure out who the actress is, then they’ll really throw a fit.

    11. Who tf has empowering the incels? Like I know that the Republicans are supporting nazis, but the incels? Why the incels?

    12. A fee-male????? Wearing clothes???? Making profit?????? This is the end of Ferengi society as we know it. It’s that nasty and insidious hoo-man influence I tell you.

      The Grand Nagus cannot stand for this!

    13. Asmon-mouth breathers and the fear of wokeness, women, showers and reality.

      They really are fucking gaming up.

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