Very disappointing.

    by SonGokuSmith


    1. lol even tho I often look at my costar app I feel this. I’m always so flabbergasted when a friend goes off about astrology like it truly runs anyone’s life. It just makes me question if I make life choices or if the stars just run their lives * sneezes in sarcasm*

    2. AlejandraHardesty on

      The most disappointing part is when they make life decisions based on astrology. Like I could not date him because he was a Virgo and we were not compatible

    3. one day they’re telling you to not believe in superstition, next thing they’re complaining about a Gemini being a two headed snake

    4. Astrology is just an excuse for the lack of common sense in life, so lemme just ask up there…

      Well it said y’all dumb

    5. Just think about it for a minute.

      In what world does the month you were born in automatically dictate everything in your life and your entire personality?

      Oh I was born in late October so I must be a piece of shit realist asshole that wears black all the time. Bruh

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