Couch Coitus is equivalent to a dozen idiots.

    by JulietAlfaTango


    1. everythingbeeps on

      “Hi, I am a normal human and I would like to consume twelve or your cinnamoned rolls while my daughter drinks her daily allotment of three tablespoons of chocolate flavored cow excretions”

    2. To show his love, he’ll let his kids choose their very own serial numbers when Trump deports them. They’re not blonde, so off they go!

    3. LaughingAtNonsense on

      Wild that a chunky couch fucker is shaming his young daughter publicly like this. The fAmILy VALUeS Republikkkan weirdos out in the wild.

    4. Seriously guys? You are scraping the bottom of the barrel to make this guy look weird. While I am not a fan of Trump and Vance, this seems like a big stretch to turn this conversation negative.

    5. What a pos .. not to mention the yelling at his kid over Pokémon then friday blaming his kid for getting sick.. betcha he gets rid of the dog too .. those poor kids.., think cops needs to investigate I can almost guarantee he abuses them

    6. Conspiracy nuts worry about lizard people yet when there is one right there on CNN that don’t say anything. No way there is a human under that mask

    7. *”He’s *such* a great dad to his human children!”*

      This publicity stunt is going to backfire spectacularly because it’s reminding his voters that he has a “DEI wife and children” and MAGA supporters are all mad racist.

    8. MuzzledScreaming on

      How is this a real person? The stuff this guy says *when he knows he is on camera* is practically proof of aliens or robots or something living among us.

    9. That poor child was trotted out as a prop to make Senator Weirdo look like a normal human being, only to have their chocolate milk stolen by him, making it all a giant waste of time.

    10. cat_selling_souls on

      I have a theory that JD Vance is an alien from a far-off world that watched old broadcasts of Peewee’s Playhouse and became enamored with Chairry. He decided to come to Earth to mate with the furniture, only to find that real furniture isn’t sentient.

      So now he roams the Earth and tries to blend in with the local populous until the authorities of planet qh’jidbyw’xxs come to pick him up.

    11. He talks about being a chubby in his book, and how the Marines tormented him with it after he enlisted. Probably developed some body-image issues.

    12. Public-Baseball-6189 on

      I can’t see this marriage surviving the catastrophic loss he’s facing in November.

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