You have got to be this stupid for banning a book!

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. HoneydewDisastrous21 on

      If I’m not mistaken Harry Potter was banned do to the book teaching “real” witchcraft 

    2. Banned Charlotte’s Web? One of the most popular kids stories of all time? They really are nutters.

    3. The book has been banned in Kansas because of talking animals and death.

      Much like every Disney animated film.

    4. I_Have_12_Basses on

      Everybody knows only snakes and donkeys can talk. It’s in the Bible! All those talking animals in Charlotte’s Web are mocking the bible and mocking God! (Make no doubt, I’m being heavily sarcastic!)

    5. Are they going to ban Narnia, given it has talking animals and an anthropomorphic Creator, and even suggests other religions have validity?

    6. So children are forbidden to read the book because it has talking animals.

      The Bible has a talking Snake(Genesis), Donkey(Numbers), and Eagle(Revelations) so how is it OK for them to read the Bible?

      Not to mention, the main character being Jesus, who was born because his Paedophile Rapist father intended for him to die an extremely horrific death to absolve others of their sins, which he could easily have done on his own without the suffering of his son because Jehova is supposed to be an all seeing, all knowing, and all powerful God and yet he still needs to perform a blood sacrifice(which is kinda ironic given his followers are supposed to hate magic and witchcraft).

    7. These people won’t be happy till the only two books in libraries are the Bible and The Art of the Deal.

    8. Talking animals? The Bible has talking animals, most of the crap Christians make for kids has talking animals, hell the most famous as successful Christian show had talking vegetables.

    9. I’m sorry but i am unable to understand that they somehow banned what is considered by most to be one of the most fundamental pieces of literature in the American education system, why was this done? How on earth could this book even be seen as offensive to anyone? Its a book about a spider and a pig becoming friends.

    10. I wonder if they’ll ban ‘Animal Farm’ next for giving pigs too much personality![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)

    11. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      This is where I lose my fucking mind. Wtf is wrong with these people? Charlotte’s Web is a treasured book of my childhood. Hands off E.B. asshats! 🤯

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