On a train from Italy to France, inspectors uncover an unexpected surprise.

    by Maginaghat997


    1. Dang it. I fully expected it would be a cat. Perhaps with a litter of kittens…my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

    2. That’s genuinely terrifying, imagine being the poor engine driver who discovered the remains of these muppets at the other end… on the other hand, imagine the circumstances that would drive a person to such desperate actions… the world fucking sucks

    3. I read “our doctors and engineers” but guys just stfu do u even think about what has to happen to a human to take those risks? Do you guy think about what people are running from when 100+ people squeeze onto one little boat to cross the water towards italy and such when over half of those people can’t even swim? Yes i know jokes and all i’m a very sarcastic person too, go look at all the comments i leave behind, just go to my profile. I just want people to always remember what other people go through

    4. France, Spain and italy devastated North Africa during the colonial era until after WWII, then pulled out and left a mess (giggity intended), then France proceeded to fuck their former colonies by manipulating their governments to get deals that benefited France and the “president” du jour and not the countries nor the people, with the result being a fucked up region…

    5. Terrifying. It reminds me of the migrant who fell to his death on approach to London whilst hiding in the landing gear bay of a 747. There was a documentary and I think the journalist managed to get in contact with the survivor (there were several people hiding in the hold). 

    6. Damn so this is a part of the immigration/refugee crisis happening in Italy currently from that one Island in South Italy where a bunch of people from North Africa were just dropped a few months ago, right?

      Can someone help fill me and the rest of us Americans in on the rest of the details?

      We’re currently feeling the second-year effects of an immigration/refugee crisis ourselves in this country (from Venezuela) and so I feel like this is especially pertinent to us to hear what effects this is having on you guys over there. Please and thank you if anyone can elaborate 🙏🏼

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