Yeah this might happen

    by tinyclarablue


    1. I dont understand why girls have guy friends , i onow ppl will attack me for this but u guys will catch some feelings for eqch other over the time

    2. It is unfortunate that girlfriends are generally speaking not super tolerant of their boyfriend having female platonic friends.

    3. CookieWifeCookieKids on

      Chances are he was in the friend zone so if he stops being friends with you it’s probably for the best

    4. imaginingblacksheep on

      Happened to me and I didn’t know how to handle it properly. I regret how the friendship ended but he didn’t care enough to wanna keep me in it since he listened to her. Oh well but it made me appreciate and acknowledge my real friends.

    5. Nobody2222222MK2 on

      3 of my closest friends I’d trust with anything are women. I ain’t losing years of friendship for anyone

    6. Do you have a partner? Then it should work out in my experience. But yeah, if both parties involved are single and one of them acquired a mating mate, it can get dicy.

    7. Delicious-Cut-686 on

      I was thr guy who never had any issues with her having a guy friend because I didn’t want to limit her freedom and put my trust in her.

      Guess how it turned out🥲

    8. Am I the only one thinking that some guy is in the friendzone and this very selfish chick wants to keep him under her thumb?

    9. Are you more worried about him losing interest somehow or that she’s going to try and remove you as potential danger? Maybe something else entirely? From myself, i can tell you that my relations with female friends were usually better, not worse, when i had someone. Hard to say why

    10. _NihilisticNut_ on

      My gf of 4 years made an ultimatum about 2 of my closest friends i have been close with for over 15 years. At first i actually blocked em everywhere, but in the end i couldnt go through with it. Me contacting them and saying sorry about the blocking cost me my relationship.
      I hate this dynamic. I hate that i was never able to build enough trust. I would have been forever faithfull, but it felt so wrong to discard lofelong friends who i treasure and who have been there for me in so many hard times. Because of insecurities that had no place in this.

    11. Change might to will unless you know his gf personally. Let’s be honest some people just slowly drift away from their friends when they get a partner even if they have the same gender as their friends.

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