Who doesn’t he hate..

    by Mr__O__


    1. Trump will say the most ridiculous shit to shift your attention from Project 2025. Ignore the noise.

      Have you heard of it? Project 2025 is an ultra-conservative 900-page plan to turn the US into a literal theocracy (under Paramount leader Trump, obviously). There will be no abortions or freedom of speech. Trump will have king-like powers. And it’s not a conspiracy theory, it was made by real, actual people (Heritage foundation) who call for it quite openly. Trump denies any connection to them, and simultaneously attends their rallies. Yes, they hold rallies. Yes, Trump has attended repeatedly. Think for yourself.

      Also register for voting! Remind everyone you know as well


    2. Full_Visit_5862 on

      Hate hate hate hate. Hopefully Kamala’s messaging gets through and people realize how tiring and spiteful politics has been since trump emerged from the New York sewers

    3. He essentially hates everyone that he can’t use. Some of us grew up with family members that were like this and recognize it from miles away.

    4. What a wonderful, insightful message from a former president.
      Truly an example for all of us! A president for all of the American people.

      Some a bit less than others…

    5. AValentineSolutions on

      What a little bitch. Between Trump and Musk, I don’t know which of them is the bigger little bitch.

    6. Distinct_Jury_9798 on

      Today, the Ohio Young Democrats released a statement condemning the Ohio legislature’s override of Governor Dewine’s veto of HB 68, the most restrictive anti-Transgender bill in the country. OYD, and the thousands of young people which they represent, stand firmly with the Transgender community and vow to fight back against HB 68 and other malicious legislation put forth by the Ohio Legislature’s GOP supermajority.
      Of course he hates them: How dare they have their own opinion against his!

    7. Past-Direction9145 on

      I’d say he only loves himself but it’s blatantly obvious he hates himself just as much as he hates everyone else.

      this is a miserable old man

    8. He is filled with hatred, it ones of the main points why he shouldnt be leading this country….to answer your question though of course its only the MAGAts that follow him, everyone else to him is a problem because they go against his core beliefs.

    9. Naughtysecret0000 on

      Only Conservatives can claim to love their country so much while simultaneously hating almost everyone in it.

    10. Nobody. It’s his job to spread hatred and vitriol. He’s literally getting paid to do so. Why more people aren’t talking about this is the bigger issue.

      He’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to be doing. And it 100% isn’t to benefit America.

    11. And I hate you too! That’s why I’m not voting for a schmuck such as yourself! Such a wonderful comment from a presidential candidate who seeks votes to stay out of jail. The only vote your going to get from me is a vote straight to hell.


    12. Not_Associated8700 on

      This a man who isn’t going to respect the will of the voters. This is an Annie get your gun moment.

    13. MyPenisIsntSmall on

      Is this real? How do y’all even see these posts on his Truth Social? You’re on Truth? That is not worth your time.

    14. Sounds like a guy that needs to he president for half the country you republicans just think ooo that’s my guy till he turns on you and he will just look at his track record he uses however till he’s done then burns them

    15. nothxnotinterested on

      Insecure, vengeful, petty, small and 100% filled to the brim with bullshit. In other words the perfect candidate for the highest office in the country.

      Edit: forgot he’s also putins lapdog which alone js reason enough he shouldn’t even be eligible to run for office on any level

    16. Are we keeping a running tab on all the things he hates? Taylor Swift, The US Military, Ohio democrats, immigrants, his accountant, Jews, Rosie O’Donnell, Bette Middler, Ariana Huffington, LGBTQ folks, Obama, Biden……the list goes on and on.

    17. It boggles the mind that roughly half of registered voters want to vote for the orange lunatic. In any other era that asshole would be in prison by now. Instead he may be back to overseeing the very democracy he tried to overthrow. Vote!!

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