The Ice mummy of the Doomed Franklin Expedition. Franklin lost Expedition was a failed British Voyage of Arctic exploration in 1845.

    by CreditorOP


    1. The mummy shown in the picture is of John Torrington.

      John Torrington and the other Franklin expedition mummies remain haunting reminders of that lost 1845 voyage to the Arctic that saw sailors cannibalize their crewmates in their final, desperate days.

    2. “The Terror” season 1 tried to depict the hardships of their expedition with some added twists.

    3. 🎶 For just one time, I would take the Northwest passage

      🎶 To find the hand of Franklin teaching for the Beaufort Sea…

    4. Ambitious-War-823 on

      The fact we can see his eyes still there wide open is adding a very scary feeling to the pic. I even wonder if the *wild wild west* trick could show what he was seeing before dying.

      (Fyi in that movie the protagonists see the last thing someone else saw by putting a light in his decapitated head, few lenses and voilà, they discover what killed him like a photo would do, like a snapshot of the weapon used)

    5. Lead Poisoning still wasn’t a major factor in the deaths of the expedition members…….those brave men were doomed.

    6. Did they kill them before they ate them or did they eat them because all they had around were dead bodies?

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