*Dinosaurs are extinct* Meanwhile in Australia:

    by Soloflow786


    1. People saying these are dangerous.. they are, but with only 2 known deaths maybe not that dangerous. I would be more worried about driving a car tbh.

    2. Fella’s gotta live in a Daintree settlement because that’s literally the only place the birds live.

    3. wtf???

      I would NOT get that close to that thing.

      Those things are DANGEROUS!!!!

      (As any self-respecting dinosour should be!) 🙂

    4. Farcry 3. You’re just minding your own business looting a crate on a beach, and then out of nowhere you’re being attacked by a Cassowary.

    5. Pretty sure I’ve read that these have killed people. They look like direct offspring of the raptor dinosaurs.

    6. Defiant_Bandicoot99 on

      This guy’s an idiot. That bird can literally murder you with a single strike from its talons. This guy is standing right next to death.

    7. Australia was God’s (or what every creation deity you like) testing zone.

      And they forgot to hit the reset button before they left.

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