Japan-U.S. team wins Ig Nobel prize for anal breathing study

    by onlyyoutilltheend


    1. Now when something is funny instead of a nose exhale I’ll anal exhale. And no I’m not farting

    2. No_Conversation9561 on


      Farting is not the same as breathing y’all. There is only exhale no inhale.

    3. I’m not going to read it, lol, but IM GUESSING it has something to do with your bloodstream and how your cells carry oxygen to and from your heart.

      So they probably put something in your butt that easily dissolves or has a high oxygen concentration that can easily pass into your bloodstream, get used by your tissues, and go back to your heart deoxygenated..


    4. Wait, so nobody has been farting? Since the dawn of human, we have been anal breathing and not farting… huh, who’d a thunk it 🤔

    5. Alive_Friendship_895 on

      I’ve been breathing out of my ass all my life especially after a good curry. My brother-in-law has trained his
      ass to talk and now he always talks out of it.

    6. Hmmm I’m gonna guess the scuba diving jobs may take a hit in applications when this goes into the technology phase of development.

    7. donotressucitate on

      Didn’t SouthPark prove that you can shove food into your butt and poo comes out of your mouth? Matt and Trey did it first.

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