Only the beginning…

    by Kaincee


    1. Yeah, democrats had like 50 years to legislate this through proper channels. And they didn’t do their jobs.

    2. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      “While you’re feeling the shittiest you ever have, here’s some more shit to make the shittiest feel shittier.”

      Sincerely Cultservatives. 🙄

    3. JesusTitsGunsAmerica on

      An example like this is how I got through to my parents. My mom miscarried very late into the pregnancy 2 years before I was born. It devastated her.

      I asked her to imagine having to not only deal with the trauma of losing the baby, but to then get arrested, deal with the stigma of those she knows hearing why she was arrested, the rumor mill, and then having to defend herself in court and prove her innocence. And that’s all before the possibility of her being convicted and going to prison.

      She started questioning a lot of other narratives she believed and dragged my dad along with her through that journey. They were never MAGA, but voted republican.

      They have decided to not vote this year. I don’t think they are ready to vote blue but I’m still working on them lol.

    4. In other news, woman charged with assault with a weapon for spraying someone with a water gun. yeah the government worship needs to stop. cuntservatives or phlegmocrats, one day reddit will return to its roots and finally get it.

    5. Even-Helicopter-4670 on

      Quit trying to spin this story to fit your agenda. Do some actual research, there is more to this than just her losing the pregnancy.

      Apparently she went to the ER and after a period of time, left voluntarily. She then went and gave birth in a toilet.

      What are investigators supposed to think. Once the investigation was complete, there was no indictment.

      This is not as if she was in the hospital delivery room, gave birth to a stillborn baby and was arrested. She CHOSE to leave the hospital and give birth in a toilet. She should be nominated for Mother of the Year!!

    6. skoomaking4lyfe on

      It’s important to remember that events like this are a *feature* of abortion bans. Pregnancy, to the anti-choicer is the woman’s just punishment for having sex. It’s that line – “She knew the consequences of having sex.” If you’ve ever argued with an anti-choicer, you’ve heard some variation on it; “she needs to take responsibility for her actions” is another popular variant.

      But if pregnancy is punishment, it needs to be enforced. Which in turn means policing women’s pregnancies. It means the blunt force of a police investigation into one of the most emotionally charged medical evemts a person cam experience.

      This is what “pro-life” looks like. And the anti-choicers who inflicted this on you will never change or fix it. To them, *it’s not broken.*

    7. fiendswithbenefits on

      She attempted to have an abortion but then decided against it AND THEN LEFT the hospital after she changed her mind again.

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