I already uploaded the resume

    by wetouchingbuttsornah


    1. Significant-Bell2041 on

      I feel like all job applications require this. The only way I wouldnt complete it depended on the pay grade

    2. When you’re applying for government jobs, having to change your Resume every application only for it to still not be good enough. Or never hearing back from the job.

    3. I had a recruiter reach out to me to apply. I start the application and they want the emails to all my former bosses. I quickly stopped and told the recruiter I’d rather stay at my current spot

    4. Username_chex_in on

      An employer asked me for references from 3 people that I reported to. So basically my last 3 bosses…one is dead (older boss) amd one moved on to another role and I haven’t kept in touch. Ridiculous.

    5. Upload it, type it out again, then some of these fucking job want you to go to their website or whatever and do THE SHIT ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Then you get the interview and the interviewer still asking about your fucking resume. I PUT THE SHIT IN 3 TIMES NOW MF.

    6. I had an employer when I was 19 tell me that they couldn’t hire me because I hadn’t had stable employment at the time and shown I was committed to a job. Like bruh I just graduated high school last year 🤦‍♂️

    7. Applying for a job with a security contractor. They wanted to know about the last 10 years of my life. At the time that included high school, college the first time, moving back home, college the second time in another state, moving back home again, plus ALL the addresses I had lived at (multiple places since I moved almost every year), every job I held in that time, and contact info for someone who could verify every single one of the aforementioned.

    8. This bank I applied at recently wants 3 work references. The catch? It couldn’t be people you’re related to or people you’ve worked with…they wanted 3 work references….but past co-workers weren’t allowed….

    9. Key_Warthog_1550 on

      I had to get a security clearance for my current job and they only wanted 3 years back on my address. 10 years is insanity.

    10. Job references don’t even make sense most the time.

      Like…maybe the manager puts a good word in, but a lot can (and possibly would) fuck you.

      Also, if you work somewhere with a high turnover rate of managers, who tf you gonna reference at that point?

    11. First they ask for the resume to be uploaded, then they ask me to type in the same resume info into the employment and education sections, then they want my addresses for the last 10 years, then they ask me to explain why I left each job (fuck that, by the way), then they want multiple references from the last 10 years. But fuck me if I do something as dumb as asking for more information about salary, benefits, WFH policy, etc.

    12. Nah but I did this for a 200sqft rental that was advertised as 500sqft. Turns out the landlord had walked off some doorways to make two apartments in a 500sqft house. (Legal under the right conditions in my state and she did file correctly)

      Anyway it was a tiny shithole. I’m living in my car and in a motel in and out for now while applying for places. But I thought I found a good spot. I was irked but I needed a place so I was ready to just take it on the chin and live in that little place because it was cheap. Then after walking through the place we started chatting as she was giving me the application paperwork and all that. I mentioned my situation and she took that as me being in a desperate situation and said,

      “well sometimes landlords like to have a little more of a deposit from people like you to offset our risk. Would you be willing to pay twice as much for the deposit?”

      I just said, “Thank you but I don’t think we will come to an agreement.” And walked out.

      Like what? See ya bitch.

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