Convoy of ambulances followed by convoy of linemen, getting into position in the Florida Panhandle before the hurricane hits

    by atlcollie


    1. Closely followed by the electric lineman trucks. Few years back we had hundreds, thousands parked up in lots and fields just waiting to repair stuff. Hope this time around is chill, these hurricanes are always a new adventure!

    2. Retired_For_Life on

      We get a lot of Mutual Assistance crews from other states on Long island in NY waiting in the wings when storms are approaching. This is very typical in most states. Let’s just hope they are not needed.

    3. We are expecting more rain than I’ve ever seen forecasted in the ten years I’ve been here. North Georgia mountains. It just started raining and it’s not supposed to stop till Saturday.

    4. Just don’t tell your Conservstove friends where rhe money for that comes from: they’ll get real mad and forget they hate socialism.

    5. Wait, there’s still hurricanes there?! But I thought they got rid of all the gay books from libraries! /s

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