Sociopaths are never really satisfied.

    They do not want love. They want stimulation.

    More people praising OR hating him is a stimulant. In fact, he wins by being talked about. If he is forgotten or he is being overshadowed it takes the power away and he becomes an aggressor. Textbook sociopathy. Also extremely hard to deal with in fact this post alone is just fodder to the fire.

    The list of his sociopathic behaviors is long and no doubt wiser ones than I can list them out.

    Stonewalling is an effective technique in de-powering sociopaths.

    It is a technique of giving absolutely nothing to a sociopath. They are unable to comprehend feelings and emotions so giving them no emotion, nothing to “read” and no options for ways in which to garner more attention or stimulation can often leave them less powerful.

    It’s no wonder he owns a communication tool that literally empowers his need to be constantly “stimulated.” But keep in mind that stimulation looks different to those of us with feelings and emotions.

    It is difficult to get a true diagnosis and can be dangerous when arbitrarily labeling someone sociopathic. However, when one of the most wealthiest people in the world (I’d argue you can’t be a Billionaire without being a sociopath in the first place) shows time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again his sociopathic behavior and has the means to hurt so many people it needs to become a culture and world conversation for its own protection.

    by Utu_Is_Ra


    1. So he basically bought twitter just because he wants more attention. The guy never shuts up, NOBODY CARES!

    2. I used to be on Twitter for years following sports. When musk took over he messed with the algorithms so much that it replaced my sports feeds with political bullshit. I deleted my profile and never went back

    3. If this is sad, you might want to consider; first if you should take everything you read as fact, and second, the motivations of the multiple sources that it took to put these words to paper. How the F would anyone know what he had going on during that game, or why he was on his phone *if* he was? How many staff confirmed that Sunday meeting, and its purpose? What is sad, is people accepting everything as fact—but only if it supports their petty hatred for someone or something.

    4. It’s not “sociopathic” it’s just “pathetic”.

      Being rich doesn’t buy devotion. It doesn’t make you more interesting or likeable. Wah. Poor Leon.

    5. wasnt wondering why the block function gets destroyed from the first second. can only be musks sociopathic narcissism.

      dont needet that explanation from the book.

    6. It’s amazing how someone with such a full bank account still manages to live such an empty and pathetic existence.

    7. The sad thing about this situation is that this isn’t his first time forcing Twitter’s engineers into giving his account higher exposure because his account is under-performing. No one wants to see his garbage, yet he’s using the platform to shove his tweets down everyone’s throats. It’s no wonder why people are leaving that platform in droves.

    8. He looked weak in front of Murdock. So he tried to look strong, haha, by cheating. Oh man, he is trump. 

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