I’m sure she’s on here way to adopt and care for that child right now.

    by Expensive-Layer7183


    1. Expensive-Layer7183 on

      Before anyone ask she followed that up with a tweet using that story to defend being pro life

    2. The_4ngry_5quid on

      But… The issue is the exact opposite???

      This almost definitely happened because of it being very illegal there to have an abortion

    3. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      It’s what happens when people who should have had abortions go full term.Hopefully this child will be adopted and looked after and loved.

    4. ParticularAd8919 on

      I remember in the immediate aftermath of Roe v Wade being overturned I started looking at Christian/pro-life FB groups that had public postings to see if any were discussing how Christians and pro-lifers were going to fill in the gaps and pitch in for all the single mothers, and unwanted kids who would be put up for adoption. I counted four posts (one going back a few months before the decision) that I could see out of the dozens of pro-life groups I scanned.

    5. This is what happens when you criminalize abortion

      Women who don’t want the babies will do this to avoid going to prison for terminating the pregnancy

    6. Meanwhile, in a hospital parking lot next door, a hundred women slowly died from blood loss and septic shock because the health care they required to remove the non-viable pregnancies from their wombs was criminalized.

      This is what happens when we dehumanize women and call pre-viable fetuses “children” while they’re still in utero.

    7. aussiechickadee65 on

      ..and the moral of the story is the child was unwanted …and dumped.

      All could have been avoided if abortion was carried out early in the pregnancy.

      The stupidity of this post…

    8. The anti-abortion crowd keeps saying that the babies should be given up for adoption. So, let’s say all the families want to adopt now have all the kids they want, and the babies just keep coming? Raise them in an institution, like they did in Romania? How did that work out?

    9. They’re all “well, better drop it off at the foster care and never check back in on him/her, meanwhile spend thousands to track down the mother and punish her with the full force of the law”

    10. IMO, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions, and more late term abortions, than all other groups combined.

      _Five out of six US abortions are caused by “pro life” groups and persons._

      A paper:

      [Contraception in The Netherlands: the low abortion rate explained](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7971545)

      Factors facilitating the rapid transition to a contraceptive society in the Netherlands were a voluntary family planning movement, fear of overpopulation, role of general practitioners in providing family planning services, and inclusion of family planning in the national public health insurance system. Acceptance of contraception preceded liberalization of abortion. Society accepts abortion as only a last resort. The sexual sterilization rate is higher than that in other European countries (25% vs. 0-23%). Special family planning programs in the Netherlands target groups at risk of unwanted pregnancy, particularly teenage pregnancy. Almost all secondary schools and about 50% of primary schools address sexuality and contraception. Sex education has largely been integrated in general health education programs. The mass media address adolescent sexuality and preventive behavior. Very large scale, non-moralistic, public education campaigns that are positive towards teenage sexual behavior appear to be successful. Teens have wide access to contraceptive services through general practitioners who maintain confidentiality and do not require a vaginal exam and through subsidized family planning clinics.

    11. “Dehumanize children, in and out of the womb” – it actually looks like conservatives care VERY much before birth, but couldn’t care less after birth . . .

    12. ThyKnightOfSporks on

      Remember, they outlawed safe abortions. They did not outlaw removal of a baby, or the safeness. This is what happens when laws like this are made.

    13. I’ve been telling anyone that will listen that an abortion ban is how babies wind up in dumpsters.

    14. It’s more important to raise the child until he’s in first grade, then a person with an AR-15 can end him. (/s for those who can’t pick up on that)

    15. chickentootssoup on

      This is what happens when u block abortion access and/or demonize the women that chose abortion is for them.

    16. I strongly believe that making sure people are aware and informed about Safe Haven laws can help prevent this situation.

      In ALL 50 states, there are Safe Haven laws allowing infants under 60 days old to be legally and anonymously abandoned at fire stations, police stations, and hospitals, with no repercussions.

      Here is information about the laws in Texas:


      Please share! Babies never need to be left in dumpsters.

    17. lastavailableuserr on

      This is what happens when women are forced to birth babies they dont want, and have no access to free healthcare. Bravo America 👏

    18. No, this is what happens when we force children on women that don’t want them. If we kept abortion rights a national law, this would never have happened. If anything, we need STRONGER abortion rights.

    19. No, that is what happens when you force people to have babies they do not want.

      I am glad the baby is ok, poor thing.

    20. “This is what happens when we dehumanize women and look at them only as a womb”. There, fixed it.

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