Springfield residents bring criminal charges

    by yukiyunyun


    1. AlsoCommiePuddin on

      I hope they come do a rally in Cincinnati and the Clark County sheriff rolls up to execute the arrest warrant.

    2. Good, but…like all the other crimes Trump commits on a daily basis that should have gotten his bail, yes remember he’s literally out on bail right now, revoked around 100 crimes ago, nothing will come of this.

      I’d say he did a deal with the devil to never get in trouble for anything or face any consequence in his lifetime but I have no idea what Trump has that would be of any value.

    3. GoldRecordDaddy on

      the post about the initial filing for charges is directly above this one in my timeline, first time seeing it… my response: “Gee, that escalated quickly.”

    4. Residents can’t bring criminal charges. Only the DAs office can. Citizens can file a criminal complaint. As much as I’d love for this to be true, we have to be better at putting out facts.

    5. They will get theirs it’s just a matter of time. The bigger you are the harder you fall. two attempts on trump already hopefully the third is the charm. Vance will crumble without trump

    6. Well if we’re lucky trump or Vance has to pay for more lawyers wasting more of their money and time and just make trumps life more miserable

    7. Does the fact that one of the Defendants is already a convicted felon awaiting sentencing matter at all? Shouldn’t that expedite his path to prison?

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