A proud father

    by dolly_engaging


    1. nderperforminMessiah on

      What was the scene? I think she might be one of those woman from the southern nation, maybe they’re collectively called the sandsnakes, but that’s all I remember

    2. Not sure this is quite holup-worthy, but it’s funny.

      You alway wonder about those actors who finally get a break doing a risque or embarrassing role. Their parents must be so proud… mustn’t they?

    3. He should be proud. Her acting was so good she made me fall in love with her in just 1 episode……SHHH don’t tell Khaleesi

    4. This is not the original tweet.

      The original is the actress tweeting about how she told her parents to not watch this specific episode, but they did it anyway because they were so proud of her getting the role.

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