This explains a lot

    by MobyBon


    1. Please register for voting! Only 5 days until voter registration ends. Remind your friends and family to register as well.

      With Project 2025, too much is at stake. Show up and vote.

    2. Buster_therealone on

      Way to just admit you have nothing. When you have to creep your message in with paid upvotes.

    3. Something tells me this person is an upvote seller and either owns or is working with both websites…

    4. First, this “war”?

      Second, if you think controlling the narrative on Reddit/Twitter/Facebook will win this race, you really need to get offline and touch grass.

    5. This is great. They just keep yelling into their echo chamber, louder and louder. Never realizing that the rest of us just move on and make fun of anything posted to this MAGA channels.

    6. I sometimes wonder if some Trump supporters post clips of him speaking with a negative headline, but most of the clip is just his talking points (not the really weird/crazy parts), just to spread his message

    7. 1) post a trump-support comment.
      2) pay for upvotes for my comment.
      3) ????
      4) prof— I mean trump wins!!!

    8. Medical-Enthusiasm56 on

      Bring we have been waiting for years to put you shitheads in your place. Best stay to the Maga subs. Your frail egos won’t be able to withstand the amount of demolition you will face here.

    9. Plan to win the war:

      1) Preach to the choir by posting pro-trump memes in pro-trump subs

      2) ???

      3) Profit?

    10. OP do you have a screenshot of their replies? I’m curious their full list subs that they’ve been upvote buying.

    11. So let me get this straight…

      The way to spread your message on Reddit is to post on subs where people already agree with you and pay for doots?

    12. For some reason I started getting posts from the Jordan Peterson memes sub recently. I thought they were satirical at first. They’re just ridiculously stupid.

    13. GateLongjumping6836 on

      They can fuck off they have Facebook and they ruined Twitter and are ruining Instagram.I don’t need to see stupidity and embarrassing dumb people everywhere.I’m sick of these psychotic people inflicting themselves on the rest of us.

    14. UAreTheHippopotamus on

      It’s so easy to grift these people… They really think funding Chinese and Russian bot farms for a few upvotes is going to make anyone not in the cult like their utterly unlikeable leaders?

    15. This sounds like reverse psychology and he’s really calling for all us to invade Jordan Peterson Memes group. Okay, I’m down.

    16. SportySpiceLover on

      This is what happens when you allow people to think they can just buy their way out of having shit opinions.

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