I was hit by a van going 50km/h off my e-scooter and broke my elbow. This is the bracket they installed which is holding my arm together. The price for being picked up by an ambulance, ER care, surgery, 3 days in a ward, drugs and outpatient care? €0 in Ireland.

    by AtacamaCadlington


    1. This would cost a new house in America.

      I had a similar experience in Canada – was struck by a vehicle and fucked my leg up pretty good among other things.

      I remember the doctor coming up and saying something to the effect of “I’m sorry, because you’re from out of the country and don’t have traveler’s insurance we will have to bill you for this visit.” I was bracing myself for bankruptcy and already planning to sell whatever i had to in order to cover it.

      The total out of pocket cost was less than $300. Absolutely insane that the rest of the world has shit figured out but any life altering illness or injury in America has the potential to ruin you.

    2. I got hit by a car in America and the cost for everything was over 430 thousand USD. Luckily I had some insurance because the person who hit me had no insurance or assets. I still had to pay over 8 thousand USD for my medical bills.

    3. MarlonShakespeare2AD on

      Same in the UK

      I always find the horror stories about American medical bills bizarre and honestly sad

      People not being able to afford it when a family member is seriously ill

      It’s not as if any other nations haven’t solved this one…

    4. ButterscotchSure6589 on

      This is only interesting AF in one country. In every other civilised nation, the response would be. And?

    5. A quick heal up to you from the USA where you’d be in debt for years on end,health care is a nightmare here

    6. Best of luck healing!

      Also, you might want to crop the picture a bit, personal details aren’t something to waive around on the internet.

    7. Thankful to be a Canadian! Handful of specialists, a longer hospital stay a couple years ago – cost to me? $0.

    8. Hey we have the same birth “day”. What are the odds. Speedy recovery mate, broken leg over here.

    9. I broke my elbow in 2020 roller skating and my X-rays looked almost exactly like yours! 

      The healing process was *rough*. I’d never broken a bone before, and breaking a joint is a hell of a way to get introduced to it. It sounds silly but I didn’t realize just how much goes into rehabilitating a joint. 

      An extra long heating pad was a life saver for me. The soft pressure of being able to wrap it around my arm a few times and the heat helped a lot with the pain. 

    10. Looks like an Olecranon fracture with a plate fixation. For people who are interested in the medical aspect of this.

    11. I was NOT hit by a van, I didn’t break anything so I didn’t go to a hospital. The price for all that? around ~500$ deducted from my paycheck (from just past 3 months). I actually only went to a hospital once throughout my entire life and all they did was give me 3 stitches, total time spent there less than 1h, no ambulance needed.

      Your point?

    12. Hi Jack, did the van run onto the pavement? I’m guessing you weren’t illegally riding an e-scooter on the road.

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