This building with what appears to be a second floor garage

    by ablicht


    1. ItsOnlyaFewBucks on

      I can’t tell if there are supposed to be two or three floors? Some of those windows look tp span 2 floors or the main floor is like 12-14 feet high?

    2. I’m guessing this is commercial, not residential, and the upper floor “garage” door is to allow large equipment to be craned directly in.

    3. When a middle aged suburban Dad dreams of being a James Bond villian.

      “And the upper garage is for my escape rocket!!!”

      “Daaaadddd. Can’t you just be normal?”

    4. That’s not a house; that’s just two garages in aluminum siding!

      *whoop, whoop, whoop! (3 Blind Mice begins playing)*

    5. I think it’s just two metal buildings stacked on top of each other and they added siding and trim. You can kind of see where they joined together.

    6. What’s the grey square above the people door? Looks like my whole-house-fan intake but it’s outside and on a wall.

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